Friday, January 7, 2011

My Scrapebox Tips + Tricks

Tip/Trick No.1

Hey guys,

I don't think this has been posted now. I've not at all seen it anywhere so I deliberation I'd put up an alternative little trick I came across with ScrapeBox tonight. I'm continuously optimizing my convention, a lesson learned with Xrumer - and here's a elevated little trick to completely rape a blog - think .Edu blogs

I spend this with blogengine blogs, but I'm by all means it would perform with everything.

You will be looking for to scrape, spam, and the minute check pro your backlinks as soon as you are complete rearrangement. This will impart you a keep a record of blogs to autopost explanation. Once you produce a keep a record of a duo thousand built up, or even if you are exactly first to build a keep a record but produce a only some in height PR or EDU domains, you can spend this.

1. Open you Master Blog List or everyplace constantly you are saving your victorious relatives. Paste all the URLS in the better redress scrapebox, box.(URL's harvested)

2. Trim to cause

3. Remove Duplicate Domains.

4. Check PR and Filter outmoded Blogs beneath a several limit. For me it's PR4 or excluding. Some are more picky and will perform PR6 or better. Others PR2 or better. The excluding picky you are, the more posts you will urge.

5. Copy all of folks domains, and paste them in the keyword box on the not here.

6. Make by all means the "Blogengine" is selected if they were BE blogs, or first-class whatever format the unusual blogs were in. If you put out of your mind, spend blog analyzer to get hold of outmoded.

7. Use proxies and punch "Start Harvesting"

8. Participating in the Harvested URL's box will appear all of the posts from folks domains to are sign by the search engines you selected.

9. Remove duplicates and you ought to produce a HUGE keep a record of just about 100% auto-posting blog posts to completely CRUSH a domain with backlinks to your sites. It's like being on the sites blog roll in effect.

This might not be pleasant to spend if you are just backlinking to a duo URL's, but if you are like me and backlink to fleas than this is like Gold. I normally urge a 10-40 fold enhance in the integer of posts I can comment on. Participating in other vocabulary, 50 blogs produces just about 500-2000 posts to dominate to are very likely to be auto-approve since that's pardon? You happening with. Imagine if you took all 500-1000 domains and did it refusal concern pardon? Their pagerank was. If nothing also you pick up posts to the ordinary harvester not here behind.

If you don't be looking for to comment en' pile - you can in that case check PR of all of the posts and just comment on all of the PR3 and > posts pro like... Oh I don't know, .EDU blogs

Lastly, since you are bombing exactly a single domain, this is solitary situation everyplace using proxies is a DAMN GOOD impression and keep the explanation very random.

Tip/Trick No.2


Our goal is to evade text generic explanation to are obvious Scrape Box explanation, and look like we produce read the article, even though we haven't. I am not chatting on text ass kissing...Appreciation pro rearrangement, I came to you from bing, I found your article in google and wanted to say appreciation shit. I am chatting on under fire explanation.


Smarter scraping, and using search engine operators - think of a current subject... Or article title impression....İn this illustration I am obtainable to spend the stretch "Top 10" in that case blend it with something known factor:

İntitle:"top 10" "Wordpress themes"

Now this is obtainable to get hold of a intact heap of articles to are top ten lists on Wordpress themes. These sorts of articles are very current, Google says present are on 13,000 results pro this stretch. Notice I used the search engine operator "intitle:" to ensure to the Top 10 part was in the title of the contact. I may perhaps additionally produce lay a intitle in front of the Wordpress themes part, this gives 300-400 articles with both conditions in the title.

Now we produce a keep a record of articles, and immediately produce a pretty damn pleasant impression what's obtainable to be in folks articles too for the reason that it's obvious...So we can inscribe a 5-6 explanation on the article to will almost certainly urge approves.... İ.E.

"What a elevated keep a record of Wordpress themes. I am continuously on the look pro up-to-the-minute wordpress themes, and your keep a record is elevated first statement. Lists are so helpful! Thanks."

"Wow, you produce listed a number of very cool Wordpress themes now, exactly been scrutiny a number of of them outmoded, and present are a number of impressive themes in this keep a record. It's amazing how many elevated themes present are outmoded present pro Wordpress."

You urge the impression.

Why it factory

The significant part of the exceeding impression is to spend the search operator intitle to ensure you know your stretch is in the title, and as a outcome you produce a in height likelihood of provided that an on-topic comment.

I get hold of movies are pleasant, top XX lists, I am by all means you can think of more.

These explanation will not be generic, generic explanation don't perform:


Place: İs a pleasant operator if you are targeting geographic relatives...İ.E. You produce a place based in the uk, and you be looking for relatives from other uk sites to boost your standing in google.Co.Uk.

The impression now is to search pro place:Co.Uk + intitle:"top 20" - or blend it with slightly other intitle keyword.

Then your explanation will say..."Hey, continuously pleasant to make out other introduce somebody to an area from the uk in my searching, I really escalate the spell it have got to produce taken to lay at once this top 20 keep a record. Cheers."

Google has 8,670 results pro the exceeding stretch... I would probably approve to comment in it landed on a top 20 keep a record on solitary of my sites.???

Useful Operators

Allintitle: If you start your query with allintitle:, Google restricts results to folks containing all the query conditions you enumerate in the title.
Allinurl:If you start your query with allinurl:, Google restricts results to folks containing all the query conditions you enumerate in the URL.
İnurl:If you include inurl: İn your query, Google will curb the results to papers containing to word in the URL.
İntitle:The query intitle:Stretch restricts results to papers containing stretch in the title.
Place:If you include place: İn your query, Google will curb your search results to the place or domain you enumerate.

Tip/Trick No.3

The method will allow you to get hold of all of the backlinks your competitor has (ALL of them) but we're just obtainable to be chatting on the ones from blogs, filter them by PR (if you take to perform so) and ALSO in that case involuntarily urge folks very same backlinks pro your place! <- Allowing you to match your competition link pro link!

Here is how you perform it:

1. You stretch into ScrapeBox and first-class custom footprint. Then, you type in link:Domainyourcompetingwith.Com

Then you first-class harvest. This is obtainable to urge all the sites to link back to your competitors place from Google & Bing. Save to keep a record to a .Txt column.

2. Now, stretch to ScrapeBox Add-Ons and download the ScrapeBox Backlink Checker. This add-on allows you to urge all the sites to link back to a domain from Yahoo Site Explorer (which typically shows WAY more backlinks than slightly other search engine).

Use to to get hold of the backlinks pro the same domain you used in step 1.

Add these to the .Txt column you saved in step 1. Put them all in ScrapeBox and remove duplicate URLs. Save this up-to-the-minute keep a record to a .Txt column.

Up until immediately, you might or might not produce famous how to perform the exceeding. However, the subsequently part is the really cool part.

3. Go back to ScrapeBox Add-Ons and download the ScrapeBox Blog Analyzer add-on. Open it up, and import the .Txt column you exactly saved. Hit start.

ScrapeBox will stretch through all single backlink you exactly threadbare and check them to make out if they are a blog to ScrapeBox at this time ropes commenting on. If it is, it turns fresh. If it isn't, it turns red. After it is finished, you can "clean" the keep a record by having it remove unsupported sites.

What you're obtainable to be not here with is ALL of the blogs your competitor has backlinks from, and more importantly, they are all proficient of being commented on using ScrapeBox!!

Save to "clean" keep a record to a column, import it as the keep a record of blogs you be looking for to comment on, and in that case go by the same steps you would normally go by to comment on blogs. Inside of 10 minutes you'll produce all your comps blog backlinks (which can be filtered by PR if you'd like) and you'll be able to comment on all of them inside of a twenty minutes (as the keep a record probably won't be HUGE).

Want to drive this even more?? Of pattern you perform, you're on BHT

Every step is the same as exceeding with the exception of solitary little item and the addition of an optional extra step.

Instead of exactly using solitary footprint in your primary harvests (both from SB's regular user interface and in that case additionally the backlink regulator add-on) you're obtainable to be using a TON of them. Here is pardon? You perform to take this to a intact up-to-the-minute level.

First, you're obtainable to harvest all the URLs from AOL, Yahoo, Bing & Google using this footprint:


That is obtainable to return ALL the at this time indexed pages of the domain. Remove duplicate URLs and save to to a .TXT column.

Now, you're obtainable to add the following in the front of apiece of folks URLs:


Now go by all of the steps as outlined exceeding. What this does is urge all of the backlinks to EVERY contact of your competitors place.

Since Yahoo Backlink Checker is just proficient of grabbing the paramount 1k URLs from Yahoo (as to is all Yahoo allows you to view) you might produce missed outmoded on a decent amount of blog backlinks if they were bygone the paramount 1k results. So liability the exceeding optional extra steps channel to apiece up-to-the-minute contact of the place you check pro backlinks channel a up-to-the-minute and distinctive array of a keep a record of backlinks to is potentially 1k relatives long.

Now to you know how to get hold of, filter and thieve your competitors backlinks, end analysis and stretch and perform it!

Oh and repentant pro the long put up

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