Friday, January 7, 2011

Developing Games For Events

If you are a DJ at a club or play at events, chances are that you are going to want to break up the crowd a bit, let them mix a little and also develop some game that the crowd can play not only for fun but also get them to mix a bit. You have most likely been to weddings where dance games are played to entertain the crowd. You should be able to do this if you are going to be successful as a DJ.

The old Hokey Pokey is one of the staples at all weddings. You can put your own spin to this popular game when you act as a DJ. You can play your own type of spin for this song as well as others that are usually used for game purposes. It is good to break up the dancing with games for the crowd as it gets people to mingle with one another a bit more and makes them have a good time.

You should look for different types of dance games that may work when you are practicing as a DJ. This is especially important at weddings and events. Make sure that the games that you develop for clubs or events are appropriate for the events that you are hosting as a DJ. For example, if you are hired for a party for children, the same games will most likely not be appropriate for those that you develop for a club.

You can find games to develop for your DJ events right online. There are a number of different games that a DJ uses to break up the crowd. This is an excellent way to get the crowd going as well as a way to wind a crowd down. You can also use a game as a way to detract people from anything that goes wrong during the course of the event to get people back into the swing of things and away from anything that might have distracted them during the course of the evening.

At the end of the night, or day, depending on the type of DJ party that you are hosting, you are also going to want to wind people down. Most of the time, you can do this with a game and then announce one last song. You should make the songs towards the end of the party or closing of the club. This is when you want to start signaling to the guests that it is time to leave.

By entertaining those at the party or the club with some dancing games, you can be a fun DJ. You will break up the routine of just dancing and allow people to have some fun mingling with one another. If you plan on hosting a wedding, you should make sure that you get instructions from the family as to the games that you want to play. Many families will expect the regular favorites that are at other weddings and may be disappointed if you spoil the special day by not playing certain DJ games.

In some cases, a family may want you to provide them with certain ethnic related DJ games for events. There are hundreds of different games that anyone who wants to be DJ should know before they start any event. The most important thing that you realize when you are hosting such an event that you understand what people want and that you provide them with what they want in a way that they will be pleased.

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