Sunday, December 18, 2011

canvas baskı hizmetleri

canvas baskı hizmetleri
canvas baskı üzerine yağlıboya, artık ağırlıklı olarak resim meraklıları arasında popüler olan son trend haline gelmiştir. Bu resimlerinde zarafet sunmak ve genel görünüm ortam geliştirmek. Bazı insanlar sadece deniz hakkında tutkulu ve bu nedenle bazı iş en iyi parçaları toplama meraklısı. Bu kişiler, lüks öğeler bu canvas baskı tür satın alırken para düşünmüyoruz. Eserin orijinali parçaları aslında, çünkü kendilerine özgü sürümleri maliyetlidir. Pahalı fiyatlar nedeniyle, birçok kişi sadece bir sahip olma fikrinden vazgeçilmesi. Bu akılda tutulması, sanat reprodüksiyon yağlı boya, ünlü ressamların eserleri canvas baskı dünyanın her yerinde sunmak için icat edilmiştir.
Ortak adam sadece pahalı ürünleri bu tür göze alamaz. Bu sadece bir evi dekore etmek için son derece pahalı, sadece boş bir cüzdan çay canvas baskı bir fincan değil. Bu tür lüks ürün sadece milyarderlerin, sanayiciler veya herhangi bir devlet sanat müzesi tarafından satın alınır. Ama bu ortak para uğruna onun istekli öldürmek anlama geliyor? Eh, şimdi sanat reprodüksiyon yağlı boya başlangıçlı bir konudur. Şimdi özel bir başyapıt ile evinizi dekore edebilirsiniz. Herhangi bir sanat uzmanı tarafından tanık olduğu sürece Duplicity yakalandı olamaz. Ancak, bu tür öğe, aynı cesaret ve zerafeti havasını. Tuval üzerine yağ, orijinal parça yineleme olarak kabul edilebilir. Bunlar da aynı görünüm, canvas tablo orijinal eserin canvas baskı teslim kıldığı, sizin beklentilerinizi kısa girmemektedir.
Sanat reprodüksiyon yağlı boya kullanılan tekniği çok gelişmiş ve ağırlıklı olarak uzman sanatçılar tarafından uygulanan, canvas baskı ya da ahşap bir panel ya da su yüzüne tuval resmine formu mükemmel kalitede yağa tercih çalışma nebze tüm parça bir karton. Tuval üzerine başlayan tüm deniz, agesso tabakası ile ahşap panel üzerinde kullanılan boya herhangi bir asidik doku silmek için sığdırmak için genişletilmiştir canvas baskı.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Free Domain Names

Free Domain Names

Without a domain name, a person does not have a suitable way to find a website. The only problem is domain names cost money. Granted, if a person is operating one or two sites, the cost of a domain name, (which ranges from $1.00 to $35), probably isn't too steep. However, what if one is an avid marketer, making profit from hundreds of sites? Even the minimum in domain name fees can add up. This is why Internet marketing gurus might want to consider signing up for free domain names. Three types of free domain name exist: third level domain names, first level domain names with lesser used extensions and first level domain names with traditional extensions.

The first type of free domain name is known as a third level domain name. This is a domain name that is commonly distributed by free web hosting companies or affiliate programs. Yet, there is a downside to this type of domain name. This downside involves the first level domain name, (usually the company's name), having to be a part of the third level domain name. For example, consider a website created with Geocities.

If a webmaster chooses 'web hosting' as their third level domain name, the following would be the syntax: Such a domain name is not very convenient for potential visitors, so webmasters may want to consider redirecting these types of URLs to other versions of free domain names.

The second type of free domain name is a first level domain name that contains an extension that is not as popular in the Internet world. Examples are the types of free domain names offered by or Free The extensions offered from these companies are .tk and, respectively. These are far from a .com or a .net, but they are not as cumbersome to use as a third level domain name. The main key is going to be making sure the initial domain name is short and easy to remember, so potential visitors won't be as offset by the unusual extension.

Finally, there are free domain names with extensions that are more commonly used such as .com or .org. To find these a person has to do some sleuthing. Sometimes individuals will offer them for free, since they were about to expire anyway. A person can try to find these situations through message boards dedicated to webmasters. Other times companies will offer these types of free domain names because they are getting free ad space. What happens is every time the free domain name is used, a pop-up ad will show up on the person's website. This is how the free domain name company gets their revenue.

In conclusion, free domain names can be an excellent alternative for someone needing domains for several websites. The best ones are those in which a person can get a first level domain, though a third level domain name is better than nothing. To sign up for a free domain name, one can search for free domain name companies on the Internet.

Domain Names 101

Domain Names 101

Without a domain name, websites are specified by an IP address. What is an IP address? It is an identifier that is used by computers or humans to determine the location of a server or website. However, for humans, an IP address, (which is expressed in a numerical format), can be difficult to remember. This is why domain names were invented. With a domain name, a human can locate a website through more user-friendly words or phrases. And although numbers can be a part of a domain name, they usually do not make up all of it, like what is seen with an IP address.

In terms of format, domain names have several parts. The first part is known as the URL, (which stands for Uniform Resource Locator). The URL tells the browser what the domain name is going to point to. This will usually be 'http', which means the browser can expect to locate a hypertext document. In layman's terms this means webpage. In the rare cases the URL is not 'http' it may be 'ftp', which means file transfer protocol. A webmaster would opt to use ftp if they would like visitors to download files from their server.

The second part of the domain name will be "www," which stands for "World Wide Web." This phrase lets computers and humans know the site the domain name is pointing to is indeed from the Internet. It is followed by the actual domain name, which can be a combination of letters, numbers or phrases. A good domain name will be short, memorable and most importantly, search-engine friendly. In fact, good webmasters tend to concentrate more on a domain name's effectiveness with SEO, (or Search Engine Optimization), than they do its creativity. To do this they make sure to choose a domain name that has a widely searched keyword.

The final portion of the domain name has what is known as an extension. This lets a person know a little bit more about a website's origins. For example, take .com, the most common domain name extension. It stands for 'commercial', and was originally intended for organizations in that vein. However, now the extension is used by virtually anyone looking to create a website. And this is for good reason, since most web surfers will think about the .com before they would think about .org, .biz or .net. Yet, don't think the other extensions can't become memorable either. Consider which is a wildly popular website despite its .org extension.

Domain name extensions can also specify things on a geographical level. An example are country-based extensions such as .fr, (which stands for France), or .jp, (which stands for Japan). They can also be state-based, such as .ca, (which stands for California). Both can serve as excellent tools for localized Internet marketing.

To get a domain name, a person can either: 1) get one from their web hosting company, provided they offer that service or 2) get one from a separate domain name company. Price-wise things will vary with both options, though typically the cost will range from $6.50 to $35.

Domain Name Tasting

Domain Name Tasting

A good domain name not only makes people more likely to visit a website, but it can also increase search engine rankings. This is because search engine bots index websites based on keywords found both in its content and domain name. Yet, how does a webmaster know if their domain name is going to be profitable? Usually most don't until they put it into practice. Hence, there is the practice of domain name tasting.

What is domain name tasting? Domain name tasting is the process of registering a domain name and seeing how much traffic it brings to a website during whatever grace period the domain name registrar offers, (which is normally five days). If the domain name brings in a lot of visitors, the webmaster will keep it. Otherwise, they will cancel their registration and get a refund.

Does this sound interesting to you? Well, before you decide to do domain name tasting for your site, first consider the ethics of the practice. Domain name companies lose millions of dollars every year due to domain name tasting. While some may not feel sympathy for them, if domain name tasting continues without any legal restrictions, DNS enterprises may strike back by making their prices higher. Such a consequence would also hurt customers who intended on buying the domain name outright.

Another ethical dilemma involved with domain name tasting is the issue of good domain names not being eligible for more serious customers. Some may feel that in a system of free capitalistic enterprise, domain name testers have every right to access however many domain names they can. Yet, if they aren't really going to buy them, why shouldn't these domain names be available to individuals who may need them more? Many would argue it is better to sell a domain name to a company that is serious about using it as their brand than selling it to a person thinking they can use it to get quick traffic.

It is also important to keep in mind that a good domain name is not a sole indicator of whether or not a site is going to be successful. Domain name tasters are fooling themselves if they think their practice of domain tasting is what has brought about their success with website traffic. Granted, an expired domain name might have a little bit of traffic associated with it, but to get one that is of value, a person would have to pay hundreds maybe even thousands of dollars. Many domain name tasters wouldn't have the funds for such a domain name, so they may instead deal with cheaper ones. And most of these cheaper ones probably do not have their own traffic stream.

Indeed, the type of website that gets a lot of traffic is one that has: a decent domain name, keyword-enriched content and lots of inbound links. Even if one doesn't see anything ethically wrong with domain name tasting, doing it may not accurately reflect whether or not a domain name is valid. In fact, if a person does domain name tasting and their website did not have the other elements that make for proper traffic-building, they could potentially be throwing away a domain name that could be a gold mine in the future.

Domain Name Servers: The Basics

Domain Name Servers: The Basics

Technically, domain names aren't necessary to access a website. This is because with or without them, all websites can be accessed by their corresponding IP address. What is an IP address? It is a 32-bit numerical identifier that indicates what machine a website is on. The only problem is that for a human these numbers, (which come in a series of 4 octets), can be extremely hard to remember. This is why domain names were created. With a domain name a person can access a website through a word or phrase, which offers much more convenience than decimated octets.

In order for domain names to work, they must use domain name servers, (also known as DNS). These are special computers that store data pertaining to domain names and the IP addresses they point to. It does this through a process known as reverse mapping. What happens is after a domain name is entered, the domain name server will look up its corresponding IP address in a directory service. It will also correspond with other domain name services to see if they have 'knowledge' of the IP address. This process is known as a distributed database, since no 'official' entity is responsible for updating information on other domain name servers.

How can a computer be turned into a domain name server? It has to run DNS software. The most common DNS software is BIND, (which stands for Berkeley Internet Name Domain). This, (along with other types of DNS software), works in a hierarchal fashion. The beginning of the hierarchy contains the character ''. It is called the system's root. Underneath the root there are the domain extension such as .com, .org, .net or .biz.

A domain name server must also have client computers to help conduct its operation. These client computers are called nameservers and resolvers. Nameservers are responsible for locating a domain name's IP address. The resolvers, on the other hand, stores a list of all other nameservers on the Internet. This list is used to help contact these nameservers should a domain name's IP address not be stored in the initial domain name server.

Should a web hosting company bother in investing in a domain name server? It depends on how large their operation is. Smaller-scale web hosting companies probably won't get much from such an investment. However, if a company wants to attain the type of status that sites like have attained, it may want to consider spending the money. Companies can get domain name servers from enterprises that sell regular servers.

In conclusion, the domain name server can be considered the heart of domain name functioning. Without them there would be no way a domain name would be associated with an IP address, which is what is really responsible for identifying computers on a network. This does not mean it's essential for a web hosting company to invest in one, especially since there are so many cheap domain name services they could use instead. Yet, if they do get a domain name server, they would have the ability to sell web hosting as well as domain names to their customers.

Domain Name Redirect Services

Domain Name Redirect Services

It's no secret that a short, memorable domain name is what is needed to help visitors to a website. It also helps if the domain name contains keywords that are likely to rank high in search engines. So, what does a webmaster do if they are promoting an affiliate program or a website created from a free web hosting service such as Geocities? The most affordable answer lies in taking advantage of a domain name redirect service.

What is a domain name redirect service? It is one in which a long, cumbersome URL is 'masked' by a more memorable domain name. Instead of having to type in the longer URL, the website visitor would type in the new domain name. This domain name would then redirect to the original URL. The visitor would then see the original URL in their browser. However, most won't pay that much attention.

Domain name redirect services can be free or paid. An example of a free service is Tiny URL. In order to use this service, all a person has to do is enter in whatever URL they need to have shortened. Tiny URL would then return a domain name that is much more convenient for website visitors. This URL would have 'tiny url' as part of the domain name followed by a number. An example is the following: Granted, it's not perfect, but it is a lot better than what one would typically get with an affiliate program or a free web hosting service.

If a person wants a more customized domain name, they will need to use pay for a redirect service. One of the best is Namestick. The process for using Namestick is similar to Tiny URL except webmasters must first choose the domain name they want to use for their redirect. They can choose any domain name they wish, just like if they were getting it through their web host or a domain name company. Namestick even provides suggestions if a person's desired domain name is taken. Once that is done, a person will have to enter in their URL they want redirected. After about 72 hours, the new domain name will be ready for use.

Can a person get away with not using a domain name redirect service? It depends on how they do their marketing. For instance, if a person does a lot of offline marketing, a short, meaningful domain name is essential. However, if a person uses a lot of hyperlinks, a domain name redirect service may not be as important. What are hyperlinks? They are simply words or phrases that are linked to a particular URL. When the visitor clicks on them, they are taken to the website that is hyperlinked within. Hyperlinks can easily be created in HTML editors or by use of the anchor tag.

In conclusion, a person's life can be made easier if they decide to hide their long URL with a more normal-looking domain name available through a domain name redirect service. This is if they aren't marketing through hyperlinks, which do not require an official domain name.

Domain Name Hacks

Domain Name Hacks

Traditional domain names consist of a word or phrase that describes a website followed by an extension. Extensions can be .com, .net or country-based such as .fr or .jp. So, if this is the case, how can domain names like or exist? It's because a domain name doesn't have to follow a traditional format. When it is created in the manner demonstrated above, it is called a domain name hack. With a domain name hack, a domain name spells out a 'word' by using a combination of periods and less popular country-based or state-based extensions.

Now, if you think a domain name hack is a simply a trick created by spammers and/or webmasters with no life, think again. Yahoo obtained the rights to both and, despite their unusual-looking format. There are also popular organizations that are actually known by domain name hacks. Examples include, (a site that lets a webmaster know the specifics behind a domain name and their associated website), and, (a site that allows consumers to list the numbers of telemarketers). Even other countries use domain name hacks in their own languages. Consider Germany's popular, (which means chocolate in English).

So, does this mean webmasters should consider using domain name hacks? The answer is it depends. It is important to remember that while domain name hacks are witty, many of them can be inconvenient for web surfers. Some may even wonder if the site is legitimate, since the most common extensions are .com, .net, .org and .biz. However, since there are domain name hacks that still receive a healthy amount of traffic, it is possible that website visitors might overlook how a domain name hack is titled if the site it is pointing to proves to be worthwhile. There is also the option of having a second more normal-looking domain name point to a domain name hack. This gives website visitors two ways of being able to access one's website.

How can a person think of a good domain name hack? First, they need to get a list of all the extensions that are possible with a domain name. They then need to find a domain name company that sells that sells the extension they are looking for. Then they will need to think of any word or phrase that includes the letters used in the extension. But they will need to make sure these letters are at the end of the word, since extensions conclude a domain name. An exception could be made if a person considers using third-level domains. In this situation the letters of the extension could be used in the middle of the domain name hack.

If a webmaster finds they are having trouble thinking of a word or phrase that contains their selected extension, they could use a keyword analyzer to help them. Overture and Google offer keyword analyzers for free, though webmasters might find more use from paid keyword analyzers. This is because paid keyword analyzers offer more information about a keyword than free ones.

Domain Name Generators

Domain Name Generators

The process of registering a domain name can be quite annoying. Why? It's because many times the domain name a webmaster hopes to register has already been taken. So, they have to ponder again what their domain name should be. But what do they do if that domain name has been taken as well? The best solution involves getting it right the first time with a domain name generator. This is a program or service that suggests domain names that are not likely to have been used by other webmasters. They can work in three ways including: giving random listings, giving listings based on input or using human suggestions.

The first type of domain name generator gives random domain name suggestions. Examples of sites that offer these types of domain name generators include and The only thing a visitor has to do to see a suggested domain name is click a button or, (in the case of, just visit the site. Depending on the complexity of the domain name generator, visitors will be able to see if the domain name has previously been registered and/or how valuable they would be if they decided to buy them.

The second type of domain name generator offers suggestions based on user input. is an example. What happens is a user enters a keyword that describes the purpose of their website. The domain name generator will then return domain names that contain this keyword. A variant of this service could require a user to enter in more than one keyword. From this input the domain name generator would return a domain name that contains a mixture of these keywords.

The final type of domain name generator offers suggestions from human creativity. An example of such a service is With this service, (along with others like it), customers have to pay a fee. Part of the fee goes to the person responsible for coming up with the domain name. After the fee is sent, customers must provide information related to their website.

Employees will use this info to choose a domain name. When the process is complete, the customer will receive a list of several domain names, each of which came from a human mind rather than a computer program, (which is used by the other types of domain name generators featured in this article).

Are there any downsides to using a domain name generator? Well, human-based domain name generators usually require a fee, while automated ones might not seem as creative. Other than that domain name generators are an excellent way for webmasters to determine what their domain name should be. Even if they don't use the suggested domain name in its entirety, they can still use these types of services to generate ideas.

From there they can use their own mind to come up with an appropriate domain name. So, at the very least, domain name generators can serve as a tool for domain name brainstorming. They definitely should not be overlooked by any webmaster.

Domain Name Arbitration

Domain Name Arbitration

After several minutes of pondering and looking at keyword analyzers, you find the perfect domain name for your new website. You see if it is available through your desired domain name company. When you find that it is, you get excited because it seems that it is going to be quite profitable for your site. So, you sign up for it, thinking that it is up for grabs, since your domain name company has said it is available.

Then after a few months you get correspondence from an attorney saying that your new domain name has violated another company's trademark. You are now stuck with a potential legal battle that could cause you to lose your domain name, your reputation and maybe even worse. Fortunately, with domain name arbitration, there's a chance you can get out of such a situation and avoid any possible legal consequences.

What is domain name arbitration? It is a process in which the complainant and the original holder of the domain name try to work out a reasonable agreement as to who actually has the rights to the domain name in question. The arbitration in itself is done through the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, (also known as UDRP). This is a special arbitration method set forth by the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) organization. It is used for most domain name disputes, because it is cheaper and less time-consuming than 'traditional' litigation.

In order to initiate a domain name arbitration proceeding, a webmaster must go through a provider that has been approved by ICANN to handle such disputes. Once the arbitration begins, the provider will first determine if the complainant has merit in their claim. They will do this by evaluating whether the domain name in question is similar to a trademark or domain name set forth by the claimant.

They will then determine what rights the claimant has to the title along with whether or not the domain was chosen accidentally or with the intention of taking advantage of the claimant's brand popularity. If it is found the domain name was chosen in bad faith, rights to it will be granted to the claimant. Otherwise, the original owner will retain possession of the disputed domain name.

If either party is not satisfied with a domain name arbitration proceeding, they can challenge the findings in a regular courtroom. An example of this happened with Robert De Niro, when he tried to claim the rights to any domain name containing the phrase 'Tribeca.' He is still in court trying to retain the rights to, which has been claimed by another person.

In conclusion, domain name arbitration is a great alternative to avoiding taking a domain name dispute into a courtroom, at least initially. There is the option to go to court if either side feels an arbitration isn't fair. Yet, for most webmasters, the decisions made by the UDRP panel are good enough for them, since getting their consul is a lot cheaper than going to a judge.

Cybersquatting and Your Domain Name

Cybersquatting and Your Domain Name

When it comes to domain names, don't think that you only need to worry about the ones that you registered. This is because with the phenomenon of cybersquatting, domain names that are similar to your company's trademark could be registered to unscrupulous webmasters, intending to use them in bad faith. What happens is once the cybersquatter has gotten sales or Adsense clicks from their domain name, they will try to sell it to the original entity holding the trademark. When things get to this point, the price is significantly higher, sometimes even thousands of dollars. This is despite the fact that the individual or organization buying the domain name originally had the rights to it in the first place.

So, how does a company protect themselves from cybersquatting? Well, first they need to be aware of whether or not domain names related to their trademark are being registered and used in bad faith. The best way to do this is to sign up for Google Alerts. This is a service that allows individuals or organizations to track any websites, comments, articles, etc. that are being made about their website or brand.

If they receive an alert that shows a domain name that is similar to their trademark, they could be dealing with a potential cybersquatter. The keyword of course is 'potential.' The person may not have any intention on selling the domain name back, though they are still using it in an illegal manner.

Either way, website owners can exercise their right to an arbitration proceeding if they found their trademark has been used in bad faith. The type of arbitration proceeding that is the most common for domain name disputes is called Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy. This process can allow disputes to be settled out of court through an ICANN-approved UDRP provider. The decisions made through the UDRP panel are legally binding, though they can be challenged in a traditional courtroom if either party thinks things are unfair.

Another way companies can avoid cybersquatting is by trying as best they can to register any domain names relating to their trademark. This would include obvious derivatives where their whole trademark is included, as well as more creative derivatives where only a part of the trademark is used. If a company finds they are having difficulties coming up with different domain name combinations on their own, they can use a domain name generator. They should use both automated domain name generators as well as those in which a human comes up with the different combinations. In either case they need to think of combinations for all types of extensions, even free ones such as .tk or

In conclusion, no one should have to succumb to a cybersquatter. Too much money and work goes into building a brand to have to spend thousands to a shady webmaster. Instead, website owners should be aware of how their trademark is being used. If there is a problem they can consider a UDRP proceeding. In the meantime they need to try to get as many domain names containing their trademark as possible, so cybersquatters won't have an opportunity to do their dirty work.

Choosing the Right Domain Name

Choosing the Right Domain Name

Domain names are to websites as book covers are to novels. If they are not interesting enough, or don't properly convey what a website is about, visitor will have no desire to enter them in their browsers. Yet, excessive creativity doesn't make for a good domain name either. Why is this so? It's because if a domain name is creative but not keyword-rich, search engine bots won't be able to index it in search engine listings. So, ultimately, your domain name must be both catchy yet search engine optimized. This article will explain how you can achieve both objectives.

First and foremost you will need to find a popular search engine keyword that can be incorporated into your domain name. A keyword analyzer can help you in this task. These can be found pretty easily with a basic search engine query. When you find one, enter in a keyword that best summarizes the purpose of your website. The keyword analyzer will return different versions of this keyword. If the more specific instances can also fit within the nature of your website, choose one. This is because when it comes to search engine optimization, more specific keywords are better since they are less likely to be used by other webmasters.

Now you can start selecting your actual domain name. Most domain name companies will allow you to see whether or not your domain name is available. If it is not available, it will return a list of recommended domain names. Take advantage of this tool by first entering your selected keyword. If your keyword as a domain name is not available, consider the suggestions the domain name company gives. If the main keyword is still included in these suggestions and it ends with .com, consider it. Otherwise, you will have to be more creative.

For example, you can use 'filler' words, numbers or phrases within your domain name to still include your selected keyword. Fillers could be 'a,' 'an' or 'the.' Search engines tend to not look at these words, so you still have a good shot at getting indexed while having a domain name that is memorable and catchy. You can also consider fillers at the end of a phrase, such as '101'.

What if you do these things and you still can't get .com? Well, there are some situations where it is better to stick with a lesser-used extension because the keyword is just that popular. Extensions that still get noticed include .net, .biz and .org. Additionally, you can also consider using country or state-based extensions if you don't mind international or local-based marketing. It's better to be number 1 in France's version of Google than to be number 200 or worse in America's version of Google.

In conclusion, choosing a domain name that will get the right buzz from both humans and search engines doesn't have to be hard. The keyword analyzer will help you with 90% of your domain name, while your wit with fillers can help you the other 10%. And, if after an immense amount of pondering, you still can't get the .com, you can opt for other extensions.

Cheap Domain Names

Cheap Domain Names

In order for people to access a website, they must first enter in its associated domain name. This is a word or phrase that denotes the name of the site and/or summarizes what it is about. Even free web hosting companies offer domain names, but there's an essential difference. With free web hosting companies, the domain names offered are in the form of third level domain names.

This means their domain name must be included when a person is trying to access the third level domain. The only problem with this is that it makes a domain name long and hard to remember. For this reason it's best if a person considers just buying their own domain name. And with the availability of cheap domain names, it is possible to get one that is very affordable.

Cheap domain names can range from being completely free to around $6.95. Usually free domain names that are worth anything are included with a web hosting package. So, a customer is technically still paying a fee. The other types of domain names that require a fee can be purchased separately without a web hosting package. The prices for these start at $1.00 and go up from there.

When a person purchases a cheap domain name, the overall registration process is the same as it would be for regularly-priced domains. This means that first they would have to see if their domain name is available. To do this they must enter in their desired domain name in a special text box, then select the extension they want. If the domain name is available, they are free to purchase it. If it is not available, they will have to choose another domain name. Cheap domain name companies will offer suggestions on alternative domain names when this scenario occurs.

Are there any downsides to using cheap domain names? Unfortunately, yes. If a cheap domain name company is unscrupulous, a person may never receive a domain name at all. What happens is the company tells the customer to wait a few days for the domain name to become active. However, at the end of the timeframe, the domain name still doesn't work. And since the company is unscrupulous anyway, emailing customer service won't do anything.

How can a person ensure they don't encounter a fraudulent cheap domain name company? First and foremost they need to check to see if it is registered with the Better Business Bureau. This is an organization that ensures businesses are operating in a legitimate manner. Secondly, they need to see if the company has normal contact information, such as an address and a telephone number. Thirdly, they should see if the company has a bad reputation on message board dedicated to webmasters. Of course, one may not always get an opinion on a particular company but if they do they will know to stay clear of it.

Yet, if a cheap domain name company is legitimate, there is no other disadvantage to getting a discounted domain name. They work just like regularly priced domain names, so if a person has one available to them they definitely need to take advantage of it.

Bulk Domain Name Registration

Bulk Domain Name Registration

Most Internet marketing gurus know the importance of using a domain name. However, only the experts use bulk domain names when marketing their website. How do things work if one is using bulk domain names? Basically, with the bulk domain name tactic, dozens maybe even hundreds of domain names point to one site. The practice is completely legal, (since ICANN places no limitations on how many domain names a person can register), and could even boost search engine listings. This is because search engine bots have more URLs they can find that relate to a particular website.

So, how can a person get started with bulk domain name registration? Well, if they have money, it's best if they go to a bulk domain name company. These are better than traditional domain name companies, because they are specially designed to help webmaster better manage their bulk domain name campaigns. With a bulk domain name company, webmasters can manage up to 10,000 domain names in just one account. This includes placing them in related groups, alphabetizing them or viewing which ones are going to expire first. An example of an excellent service offering these features is

If a person doesn't have money, they will need to consider other means of bulk domain name registration. For example, they could try to get maybe 100 or so domain names from domain name registrars charging just a dollar. This would mean the initial fees would be $100, which is an affordable amount for most people. They could also consider getting a series of free domain names. However, they must be aware that many free domain name providers will places ads on a site as well as contain an extension that is not traditional.

There may also be a limit to how many free domain names a person can register. Either way, webmasters may want to consider pointing free domain names to a second site that relates to whatever they are promoting. They can advertise the domain name to their main site. With this method they can take advantage of free bulk domain names without having to worry about bombarding their original site with advertisements.

It should be noted that if a person does not get free bulk domain names, they will have to pay renewal fees once their domain names expire. If a person got a number of bulk domain names they can handle, this may not be an issue. However, if it is, they can consider selling their domain names on domain name auction sites. They will lose the marketing advantage, but at least they will get an opportunity to save money.

In conclusion, bulk domain name registration can be a way for webmasters to help corner the Internet market. They can go about registering several paid domains and/or free domains. Regardless, they should also make sure that their site contains other elements that make for good Internet marketing. This includes being keyword-optimized and containing several inbound links. Without doing these things, bulk domain name registration in and of itself will only bring limited results.

Avoiding Trademark Infringement When Choosing a Domain Name

Avoiding Trademark Infringement When Choosing a Domain Name

Many webmasters erroneously believe that just because their domain name registrar says a particular domain name is 'available' that it truly is. This is not necessarily so. Even if a domain name is physically available, it may not legally be open for use. Why? It's because there might already be a company that has the rights to the keywords used within the domain name.

If this happens yet the webmaster claims the domain name anyway, they are at risk of losing it through a domain name arbitration proceeding. They could even be charged with trademark/copyright infringement if things get really ugly. For this reason it's best to make sure the keywords used in a domain name aren't protected for someone else. This article will explain how webmasters can make such a determination.

First, webmasters need to check and see if their chosen domain name resembles any existing trademark that is on the books. They will want to do this before actually investing any money in the domain name. To search existing trademarks, webmasters can visit the website of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office which is From here they can search a database that contains current trademarks as well as those that are pending.
If a domain name is similar to a registered or pending trademark, webmasters need to evaluate whether the domain name is still worth taking. Usually, if a site is not selling the same types of merchandise or services that the other business is selling and the trademark is not popular, a webmaster probably won't get into legal trouble if they decide to go on and register the domain name. To be completely sure, webmasters can run the domain name by a trademark attorney. It shouldn't cost too much for an hour consultation.

Of course, if a webmaster would prefer zero percent risk, they can simply try to think of another domain name. When they go about doing this, they need to be more generic and less creative in what they come up with. Using search engine keywords for a domain name is one such strategy. Webmasters can also look into using dictionary terms. If all else fails they can take a generic term and combine it with a term that is less likely to be taken, such as their first and last name.

Either way, once a suitable domain name has been chosen, webmasters should consider getting it trademarked themselves, especially if they are using it to help brand their business. With an official trademark, a webmaster has more legal power should another company try to take them to court. And since there's no shortage of domain name bullies, (companies that try to steal profitable domain names from smaller enterprises), a webmaster should use all legal avenues available to protect the rights of their business.

In conclusion, by checking whether or not a domain name has keywords that are part of a trademark, webmasters lessen the risk that they will have legal problems in the future. If there are problems, and a domain name arbitration proceeding does not rule in a webmaster's favor, they can turn to The Domain Name Rights Coalition.

All About Mobile Domain Names

All About Mobile Domain Names

When the Internet first came out it was restricted to a wired connection to a computer. Eventually technology improved, creating wireless Internet. At that point the Internet could be accessible through desktops, laptops and mobile devices without wiring. This means that the Internet was now portable. And as more mobile devices are getting created, consumers are exploring how to increase this portability. In fact, wireless Internet has gotten so popular with mobile devices, domain name companies have created a new extension. It's called .mobi.

.Mobi is the extension of choice for websites that are being formatted for cell phones, pdas and other mobile devices. It can be bought from most major domain name companies such as Godaddy or Network Solutions. As far as registering a .mobi domain name, one would go through the same type of procedure that is associated with traditional domain names. This involves first choosing a .mobi domain name and seeing if it is available.

If it is not available, the domain name company will offer suggestions on what a person can use. Either way, the customer will be given another chance to select another .mobi domain name. Once they get one that is not taken, they can proceed to purchase it. The contract will last one to two years, depending on what they agreed upon with the domain name company. When the contract is up, a person will have to renew their .mobi domain name if they want to continue to keep it.

So, why would a webmaster decide to invest in a domain name that is restricted to mobile devices? Well, it's mainly because they get an opportunity to center in on a market that is relatively new. Since most webmasters or companies are trying to take advantage of the .coms or the .nets, the .mobi has become somewhat forgotten. This means that it is prime for search engine keywords that would normally not be available for traditional domain names. It can also allow a webmaster a branding opportunity for their company.

However, since a .mobi domain name means a webmaster is creating a website specially designed for a mobile phone, it cannot have the types of frills that it could have if it was being promoted on a computer. Good mobile websites need to be mostly textual with very limited number of pics, (if any). Granted, plain text is not fancy, but it doesn't require much loading time. Mobile phone sites should also not be very large nor should they be created with frames or other more complicated layouts.

A webmaster may also want to consider trying to divert the mobile website visitor to a regular website. One way this can be done is by advertising the domain name that is associated with a traditional website. But it must be made clear that the site will only display appropriately on regular computers. Another option is trying to capture the person's email address by offering them something free, such as an e-book or low-cost merchandise.

When they sign up to the email subscription, their first newsletter could advertise the traditional website a webmaster wants promoted. By doing either of these options, webmasters can still take advantage of pay-per-clicks or affiliate programs, revenue generators which may not be promoted on .mobi websites due to viewing limitations with banner or text ads.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Tips On Looking After Newborn Babies

Caring for your baby is certainly one of the most important things you need to consider once you became a new parent. There are many things you need to take into account in order to make sure that your baby gets all the attention.

1. Make sure that you feed your baby right. Deciding on whether you should breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby greatly depends on your personal decision and what your physician recommends. However, it has been shown that breastfeeding is still the best way to nourish newborn babies. Lots of benefits can be obtained through breastfeeding. Some medical studies have determined that breastfed infants have less hypersensitivity later in life compared with those who were raised with bottle feeding. This is mainly because the mother’s milk is known to contain natural enzymes and antibodies that can help fortify the baby’s immunity against infirmities. Aside from this, some doctors also believed that breast milk is responsible for superior intellect as he/she grows and becomes fully developed.

2. Practical sleep aid tips for infants. Sleep is crucial for babies because it has a direct effect on the child’s mental and physical growth. Newborn babies sleep for up to 17 and 18 hours a day. Parents should understand that babies sleep cycle could be pretty erratic. You may notice for a few weeks, your baby’s sleep may only last from approximately 30 minutes to 3 hours, and this can vary throughout a 24 period. But by the sixth week, you should see some signs of improvement as your baby’s sleep pattern becomes more structured. Newborns show signs of sleepiness by crying or rubbing their eyes. Newborns should be put down to sleep as soon as they feel sleepy. If you are not getting much sleep at night it may be a good idea to sleep when your baby does during the day if possible.

3. The proper way of bathing your newborn. Newborn babies need not be bathed on a daily basis. Bathing them two to three times a week is enough. Bathe your baby using sponge baths. This is imperative at first. Tub bathing your baby can only be done once the baby’s umbilical cord falls off to avoid infection.

4. Maintaining your baby’s optimal skin care. Newborn babies have smooth and delicate skin. For this reason, it is necessary that you use products that are especially made for babies. But before buying any baby product, it is best to consult your pediatrician. Most babies develop rashes from time to time and this is perfectly normal. However, if your baby seems irritated by a rash or has a fever, you should immediately seek advice from your baby’s doctor.

5. When to give the baby medicine. Like anyone else, newborn babies sometimes have special needs that require attention. When giving your baby medicine, it is important that you follow the advice of your baby’s physician. You need to know how to give the right dose prescribed by the doctor. It can sometimes be advised to start the baby with a small dose to ensure there is no adverse reaction to the medication.

The information contained in this article is for general information purposes only and is not meant in any way to replace advice given by healthcare professionals.

Simple & Inexpensive Baby Shower Gift Ideas.

A baby shower is an exciting event for a new mom where she and the new baby are the center of attention. Even if you are not attending the baby shower (for example if you are a male family member or friend) it is still a good idea to pick up at least a small gift for the baby.

The new mom may have made a list of some general things that the baby will need, and if she has a list like this, you can check it out. However, frequently you will have to pick a gift without a list. So here are some pretty 'safe bets' as far as baby shower gifts go. I got a few of these gift ideas when I was in a Target store looking for a gift. I asked several parents who had babies with them in their shopping cart what sort of gifts would be good for a new baby and here are some of the answers that I got.

These baby gift ideas are very easy to find and very reasonable at a store like Target. For $50 you can get a whole assortment of goodies.

1. Clothing: All babies need clothing, and they grow very fast! If you have ever shopped for baby clothes you may be amazed to see that there are several different sizes of clothes needed for the baby just during the first year!

There is 0-1 month, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months and on and on! Therefore, there are plenty of types of clothing that will be needed in plenty of different sizes. Just remember to keep in mind how old the baby currently is, because baby clothing sizes change rapidly, and you would not want to buy a gift that is already too small by the time you present it to the parents!

2. Teething toys: All babies 'teeth' and will need little chew toys of sorts. These may become dirty quickly and it is probably smart to replace them often, so a number of these teething toys may be useful. You might find ones with rattles or bells. Just make sure it is not big enough for a baby to swallow.

3. Stuffed animals: A cute stuffed animal may make a nice gift. The softest kind available may be liked the most for snuggly comfort. Additionally, some of these stuffed animals may have sounds built in. You may want one that makes sounds, or you may want an old fashioned one without noise. A good example is Winnie-The-Pooh or Eyeore.

4. Diapers: Parents always need diapers and they are a very practical and useful gift. Just remember to look at the sizes correctly, considering how many months old the baby is. You also might find out what type of diapers the parent prefers to use.

5. Baby books: It is great to read to young children and really helps there little minds grow. While a very young baby won't be able to understand stories yet, parents are always looking to build a nice little library of quality books to read to their children.

There you have 5 simple baby shower gift ideas! Hopefully you will be able to find a nice gift or even a shopping bag full of little gifts to bring the baby and the parents enjoyment.

Baby Shower Gifts That Mom Will Love

With the pregnancy bug in the water system, you are bound to know someone who is having a baby, if you aren’t having one yourself. Pregnant women equal shopping time. Here are 5 gifts that any mother will most certainly be appreciative of. The baby shower gift ideas are great for those who are shopping or for mom’s to put on their gift registry.

1. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. That is quite a bland gift but a very much needed gift. I don’t any mom who will complain about having too many diapers with a newborn at home. To make diapers snazzy you have to dress it up a bit. You can find diaper cakes in lots of gift sites. Some come with as many as 150 diapers, plus booties, bibs and tons of other essentials for baby, but all in the shape of an all so cute cake.

2. Layettes, blankets, socks and burp cloths. Chances are they are going to get tons of these. However, these gifts tend to come in newborn or 3 months sizes which after a few weeks probably won’t serve its purpose anymore. Making this a great gift is if you buy them in larger sizes. After a few months, mom still has brand new gifts for the baby to enjoy.

3. Pamper products for Mom. The last few weeks of pregnancy are very uncomfortable and can be hard on Mom. Let Mom have the star treatment as well. Once the baby is born, Mom’s 15 minutes of fame are over.

4. Savings Bonds. A savings bond is a great way to help invest in the child’s future. While everyone is thinking of now you are thinking ahead. It may also help jumpstart parents to jumpstart on baby’s future if they haven’t already.

5. Gift Certificates. You can never go wrong with a gift certificate. Mom and Dad get to choose what they want and you gave them that satisfaction. The obvious choice for a gift certificate would where the registry is set up. If they do not have a registry set up, good choices could include their favorite supermarket (formula, diapers) or baby store. Another gift certificate idea could be a check card gift certificate. It works like a credit card and can be used anywhere.

Tip: I don’t suggest buying clothing unless the parents-to-be suggested so. Chances are they have already gone shopping and couldn’t resist those tiny adorable outfits.

4 Baby Care Tidbits Every Parent Should Know!

New parents face many problems and issues that they are expected to understand and deal with immediately. Unfortunately, newborns do not come with an instruction book so here are a few topics that you may need to know about.

Bathing your baby: Until your baby’s umbilical cord falls off one to two weeks after their birth, only give her sponge baths. A cotton ball or cotton swab dampened with alcohol can help to dry the umbilical stump or follow your pediatrician’s directions. After the stump falls off, you can give him a bath in a sink or shallow tub.

Caesarian delivery: A caesarian is usually performed to make delivery safer for you or your baby. C-sections can be done for many different reasons including stalled labor, complicated labor, problems with the baby that may make delivery difficult, or other problems. It does not matter if you deliver vaginally or by a caesarian section, you are still a mother with a beautiful new blessing.

Circumcision: Many doctors agree that there may be some benefit to circumcision, but it may not be absolutely necessary. It may help to lower the risk of urinary tract infections and eliminates just about any chance of penile cancer. Circumcision does not cause long-term emotional problems for your child.

Crib death (SIDS): Many studies have been done regarding SIDS. Although the cause of SIDS has not been definitely defined, there are some correlations that have been made between SIDS and the following things:

Male babies are more likely to die from SIDS than females

Prematurity makes it more likely

Minority children are affected by it more often than non-minorities

More children of young, single mothers die from it

Children who live in a home with one or more smokers are more likely to be affected

Some people say that sleeping with your baby can reduce the risk of SIDS, but the American Academy of Pediatrics disagree with this statement and go on to say that there is a greater risk of SIDS in babies who co-sleep.

Back sleeping is what most pediatricians recommend for babies to decrease the SIDS risk. The reason for this is widely debated between health experts. If you have concerns, talk to your pediatrician.

An All-Around Yoga Exercise: 12-Step Salute to the Sun

An All-Around Yoga Exercise: 12-Step Salute to the Sun

One of the all-around yoga exercises is the 12-step salute to the sun. Do it once or twice when you get up in the morning to help relieve stiffness and invigorate the body. Multiple repetitions at night will help you to relax; insomniacs often find that six to 12 rounds help them fall asleep.

1. Stand with your feet slightly apart, palms together, thumbs against your chest.

2. Inhale deeply while slowly raising your hands over your head, and bend back as far as possible, while tightening your buttocks. Hold for three seconds.

3. Slowly exhale and bend forward, keeping your knees straight, until your fingers touch the floor outside your feet. (If you can't touch the floor, go as close as you can.) Bring your head in toward your knees.

4. Slowly inhale, bend your knees, and if your fingertips aren't outside your feet on the floor, place them there. Slide your right foot back as far as you can go, with the right knee an inch or so off the floor, (a lunge position). Now look up as high as possible, arching your back.

5. Before exhaling again, slide your left foot back until it is beside the right one, and with your weight supported on your palms and toes, straighten both legs so that your body forms a flat plane. Make sure your stomach is pulled in.

6. Slowly exhale, bend both knees to the floor, bend with your hips in the air, lower your chest and forehead to the floor.

7. Now inhale slowly and look up, bending your head back, then raising it, followed by your upper chest, then lower chest. Your lower body - from the navel down - should be on the floor, and your elbows should be slightly bent. Hold for three to five seconds.

8. Exhale slowly and raise your hips until your feet and palms are flat on the floor and your arms and legs are straight in an inverted V position.

9. Inhale slowly and bring your right foot forward as in position 4. The foot should be flat on the floor between your fingertips. The left leg should be almost straight behind you, with its knee slightly off the floor. Raise your head, look up, and arch your back.

10. Slowly exhale and bring your left foot forward next to your right one. Straighten your legs and stand, trying to keep your fingertips on the floor, and try to touch your head to your knees as in position 3.

11. Slowly inhale, raise your arms up and stretch back as in position 2. Don't forget to tighten your buttocks. Hold for three seconds.

12. Slowly exhale, lowering your arms to your sides. Relax. Repeat the series.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hasta Karyolası Alacaksanız

Hasta Karyolası Nedir ?
Hasta karyolası nedir sorusu çoğu hasta yakınının kafasını kurcalamaktadır. Hasta karyolası genel olarak hastanelerde görmüş olduğunuz hasta yataklarının genel ismidir. Hasta karyolası ev kullanımı için sanılanın aksine lüks değil, tamamen ihtiyaçtır. Günümüzde birçok marka modelle piyasada bulunan çok çeşitli hasta karyolaları her bütçeye uygun olarak satışa sunulmaktadır. Örnek vermek gerekirse; tek kişilik bir baza ve bununla birlikte yaylı bir yatak fiyatı 500 - 600 tl civarına malolmaktadır. Ancak standart bir hasta karyolasınıda 600 tl gibi bir fiyata alabilmek mümkün. Tabii ki bu 600 tl lik fiyata; hasta yatağı, hasta yatak koruyucu örtü (alez), serum askı aparatı, nakliye kurulum gibi tüm ek ihtiyaçlarıda kapsamaktadır. Durum bu şekilde olunca hasta karyolası ev için lüks demek biraz abes olur. Aksine hasta karyolası, gerek hastanin konforu, gerekse hasta yakınının yada refakatçisinin rahatı için mutlaka temin edilmesi gereken bir ihtiyaçtır.

Hasta Karyolası Hasta Karyolası'nı Diğer Karyolalardan Ayıran Özellikler
Hasta karyolası evimizden kullanılan diğer karyolalardan farklı özelliklere sahiptirler. Konu hastanızın güvenliği, konforu, ihtiyaçları ve hasta yakınının yada bakıcısının hastaya müdahele kolaylığı olunca hasta karyolası hastalarınız için vazgeçilmez ekipmanların başında gelir.
Hasta karyolası 4 teker üzerinde durmaktadır. Ve bu tekerlekler kilitlenebilmektedir. Hasta karyolası bu sayede istediğiniz yere üzerinde hasta varken dahi kolaylıkla hareket ettirilebilir. Böylelikle hastanıza müdaheleniz çok kolay bir hal almakta, aynı zamandada olur olmaz sebeplere hasta hareket ettirilerek rahatsız edilmemiş olur.

Hasta Karyolası Çeşitleri
Hasta Karyolası genel olarak şunlardır;

Manuel Hasta Karyolası
Elektrikli Hasta Karyolası
Abs Kaplamalı Hasta Karyolası
Ahşap Hasta Karyolası
Yoğun Bakım Hasta Karyolası
Trendelenburg özellikli hasta karyolası
Ters trendelenburg özellikli hasta karyolası

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking For This CPA Facebook Rewards Application SCRIPT

Looking For This CPA Facebook Rewards Application SCRIPT
Could Anyone Pls Post This Script

Code: for this script for a long time

Backlink Energizer - Boost the value of your backlinks

Backlink Energizer WP Plugin – A solution to get your Google Backlinks indexed fast and stick so. Google Backlinks are usually harder to reveal, as Google doesn't so easily disclose the indexed backlinks as Yahoo does… However, revealed or not, if there are backlinks indexed, then all should count and add up to your website's might! Backlink Energizer WP Plugin simply multiplies your discovered and indexed backlinks.
Not all the hard built SEO URLs get indexed, though. How sad…

As such, sometimes you just seem to be chasing your own tail (to no avail), although you know how much effort you've spent building your backlinking campaign, right? The obvious solution would then be to take your SEO backlinking techniques one step forward and begin to index your backlinks instead of waiting for Google and its search engine comrades find them naturally. So I came by this excellent piece of SEO software: Backlink Energizer WP Plugin from the people at Backlinks Goldmine. Read more…

Backlink Indexing

Backlink Indexing is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your backlink building efforts. Whether you use Articles, profiles, blogging, guest blogging or other backlink building strategies. Taking steps to get Google to find your links will greatly increase your link efforts value.

It's one thing to go out and build yourself or hire someone (outsourcing) as a backlink builder to build 100's, even 1,000's of quality backlinks to your money sites and important traffic pages… (Nowadays that's a rather trivial exercise – time or money solves the issue and there's a lot of quality resources!)
It's quite another issue altogether to get maximum value from those backlinks! Take for instance, profile backlinks (which are all the rage right now) – how many of those, if left alone after being created, will ever find their way into Google's index? If Google never crawls them and indexes them, how are we to get credit for them?
Energized Backlinks Case Study

Energized Backlinks is one backlinks case study I saw recently. It illustrated a 250% increase in links indexed by Google by taking matters in your own hands vs. waiting for Google bot to get around to finding them naturally. The whole concept – based on all the current tools on the market, is to build backlinks to your backlinks on high trafficked web 2.0 sites. I tried improving my odds with the Google bot and big G's index using a couple of the leading tools on the market. Some aspects I liked – other aspects not so much.

My backlink indexing tests

Some systems relied on web 2.0 gatekeeper sites such as, or Posterous, or OnlyWire…to cross post identical content across a dozen web 2.0 sites.

Problem is – if the gatekeeper site gets wind of it – they're likely to shut it all off. In fact they've been trying to do just that.
One of the other issues was … having to sort out, and install a PHP script on my hosted server. What if I want to build a rather large network of indexing sites? All going to come off the same IP?
Easy footprint for web 2.0 admins to track down as the source. So to distance my linking efforts from my money site IP's – I'll need a 2nd hosting account on top of the cost of the application.
Not to mention the challenges that come with maintaining a server side PHP script for energizing backlink indexing.
Another system I looked into was using web 2.0 sites and RSS feeds of backlinks, and then shortened urls.

I wasn't sure how post after post of shortened urls on web 2.0 sites was going to last for very long. I suspected those sites using it aggressively would meet certain moderator death.
Finally, another issue was … will 20 posts a day of nothing but short urls be reliable bait for Google bot to keep coming back – daily? I had already wasted enough time – I didn't feel like taking another flier on what I determined to be questionable SEO and indexation tactics right from the start.
Fortunately, a friend turned me onto one of the coolest SEO WordPress Plugins I've ever used.

Backlink Energizer WP Plugin

Backlink Energizer WP Plugin Developers

Backlink Energizer WP Plugin was developed by the SEO specialists over at Backlink Goldmine. I guess this Andy Fletcher guy is a wizard with PHP and WordPress – and he whipped up this SEO WP plugin to make it as easy as possible for the "non tekkie" marketer to get rapid results.

They buried a bunch of the techno mumbo jumbo into the WordPress publishing engine – and made it Copy'N'Paste easy!

All I had to do was take one of my WordPress blogs and install the plug in.

Backlink Energizer WP Plugin – "How To Use" Steps Guide

Here's what followed… from there it was as easy as 1,2,3…

Making a post or page in the WordPress interface.
I pasted a text file list of all my backlinks I wanted to get indexed into my Backlink Energizer WP Plugin interface.
A few RSS Feeds they supplied, and I made a list of keywords to use for the links back to my backlinks.
From there I needed to fill in my FREE Web 2.0 blog sites like…
TypePad Micro, and a
WordPress blog I hosted myself.
I'd say the whole thing took me less than 1 hr. I think my next install will be only 15-20 minutes though, as I now know exactly what to expect. It really was straightforward and simple – there are just a lot of username – password details to enter.

By far the easiest system for backlink indexation I've seen.

Backlink Energizer WP Plugin Case Study

If my results are only have as good as their case study … I will be more than pleased at this economical price point and ease of use. I will be reporting more on indexed link numbers shortly… You can go have a look at their Backlinks Case Study where they tested 300 backlinks – 150 got Energized with the Backlink Energizer WP


wpRobot 3.2 + 3.3 + instructions for install

wpRobot 3.2 + 3.3 + instructions for install
follow the read me file in zip and you will be good to go

HTML Code: if link dies i will fix

Chat Roulette Clone Script

Hello , i have 2 scripts for chatroulette but first need RTMFP Server , bud i don't want to pay for that , does have any one any alternative how to use this chatroulette withoud paying for RTMFP Server?

And i have other script :
hxxp://www .mediafire. com/?3849au2dljc4c2lthere is download link , and it work without RTMFP Server , but how i can see this script is not cracked ... can some one crack it or give me some working script ?
Thanks !

Best Wordpress modules for AutoBlog?

I have had some recent success with some autoblogs and was wondering what other people are using? My setup is as follows:

Advertisement Management
All in One SEO Pack
Google XML Sitemaps
StatPress Reloaded
WP Robot

Can anyone recommend anything different? Change any module? New ones? Remove any?

Best theme that works? Or does it matter as long as it looks ok?


How many backlinks for a new website

Hi I've registered a new domain a few days ago. What would be the safe number of backlinks I should do for a new site w/o getting sandboxed.

Also any methods of indexing this site faster?

$499.95 SEO Tool -IBP

How to get top 10 rankings on Google & Yahoo! The proven SEO software tool!

Internet Business Promoter (IBP) is a multi-award winning website promotion software tool. IBP helps you get high search engine rankings:

Get top 10 rankings on Google, Yahoo, Bing Search and others.
Get more website visitors and increase your revenue.
Outperform your competitors.

sale website:

HTML Code:
http://not allowed. you will get banned!.com/files/8jbji2vb/IBP115-full.rar.html

1. Download Installer
2. Install IBP
3. Find installation folder(Usually "C:\Program Files\IBP 11")
4. Extract crack in installation folder, overwriting existing one
5. Start IBP
6. Navigate to Help->Enter Unlock Code...
7. Enter any name you like
8. Enter IMO-B-123456-ABCDEF as serial
9. Click unlock and enjoy!

NOTE: You'll have to enter code every time you start IBP 11.5

XWeb (Xedant) Human Emulator (Multi-Thread) 4.0.14

XWeb (Xedant) Human Emulator (Multi-Thread) 4.0.14
The first, most important thing: the program was made for itself use and is used within our company for web sites testings.

Every day we testing our web sites, collect data from information sites (news, forex data, etc), submit soft in software archives and websites in directories. We tried iMacros, AutoHotKey, and “pure” PHP. iMacros and AutoHotKey lacks flexibility of PHP, and PHP lacks ease of use and debugging of the scripts in your browser.

That is how Web Human Emulator was made – it is Internet Explorer, “wrapped” in PHP. What was once taking time for a day or two, now takes less than an hour.
It is much easier to use than iMacros and other “macro” of Internet Explorer.
Full emulation of “live” testers on your site, including the movement of the mouse and keyboard buttons emulation.
It can be built into the PHP-finished or finished pieces already include PHP-code.
Gathering information from the site much easier than using a “pure” PHP.

With the help of Web Human Emulator you can automate any (really ANY) tasks in the Internet Explorer.

How install

1. Set XWebHumanEmulatorInstall.exe
2. Copy the contents of the folder crack to a folder with program
3. Start the Human Emulator_serial.exe, enter any serial and soap, we get the actual code

Online help for XWeb Human Emulator|en&hl=en&ie=UTF8&u=http%3A//

Using Socks5 in Human Emulator|en&hl=en&ie=UTF8&u=http%3A//

Download XWeb (Xedant) Human Emulator (Multi-Thread) 4.0.14

50K Auto approve blogs WP wordpress

50K Auto approve blogs WP wordpress

It's a list of a little over 50 000 auto-approve urls for scrapebox.
But you can also use it manually.

Download Link for MediaFire:

Get 1000 visitors From Torrent

Get 1000 visitors From Torrent
Get 1000 visitors From Torrent
Torrent websites are very usefull to get traffic . you can find many torrent sites over internet and get connected with them upload a stuff . like an ebook or software or video its up to you

after the passage of time means or you can say after 1 week your uploads or your share stuff get indexed in google it will be mini seo of your site

because on the other sites your links is there means you are also building links you place your site link in torrent description when you making torrent files

where ever one download the torrent file it may possibly visit your site though you are getting indexed in google very very fast through another site

any difficultiy then pm me i will help you more

sory for bad english

Niche Marketing 2.0

Niche Marketing 2.0
Sales Page:


Pauls Backlinks January 2011 - 120 Backlinks Packet

Pauls Backlinks January 2011 - 120 Backlinks Packet

Monday, February 14, 2011

No traffic or sales, yet I rank number 2 & 3 in Google for keyword?

Hey, I'm finally getting a break through being a new IM and I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on. I'm selling a Clickbank product.
I'm using the "Google Sniper" product guide for website creation help, Market Samurai for Keywords and they have been working for me so far t get ranked

My site is

The keywords ,without quotes, I'm targeting are:
"Create a solar panel" ; I rank #3 for this keyword on Google search
"How to create a solar panel" ; I rank #2 for this keyword Google search

Now, for being ranked so high, I don't understand why I yet don't have a good flow of traffic or even 1 sale made yet. I've written press releases, made a squidoo page,on page seo, I tried backlinking but nothing is pulling through enough traffic for me.

I've come so far and worked hard, would anyone give me some advice into what I need to do more?

Alexa Ranking

Hey Everyone,

I started my blog almost year ago.. And was doing SEO on that and alexa ranking was also working good. Because I started my ranking around 3,750,00,00 and it went up to 5,20,000 in few months.

All of sudden what I am seeing that my alexa ranking is getting bad.. And within one month it drown up to the level of 12,73,000.

Can anyone help please.?

Monday, February 7, 2011

Auto Approve High PR 6,5,4,3 Dofollow Blog 100 Pages V17

Auto Approve High PR 6,5,4,3 Dofollow Blog 100 Pages V17
This list has a collection of auto approve dofollow blog pages.

Content of the list
(PR is based on exact page, Not the domain PR)

PR6 = 8
PR5 = 24
PR4 = 37
PR3 = 32

Pauls Backlinks January 2011 - 120 Backlinks Packet

Pauls Backlinks January 2011 - 120 Backlinks Packet

Paying anyone $100 for real indexing method or tool!

I have been struggling indexing my links lately specially with feedlisting not indexing no more, I don't know what happened to it but google just doesn't seem to index links through feedlisting no more. I've got thousands of links that needs to be indexed and will pay anyone $100 for showing or providing me with a tool to index my links. I know there gots to an underground indexing tool or something.

Money aint' no problem. Please don't bother with all of the lame suggestions like doing Rss feeds, bookmarking, running it through Bi7 or link energir. Really looking forward to this. Thank you in advance

Find the top twitter and facebook users

You can find the top users on facebook and twitter :

Share your experience

There are enough softwares here. But, what works? What don't work?

Ok, I will share my experience here.

Forum profiles - Easy to create - but, not very effective

SENuke - I didn't find quick results from it (Frankly, I didn't find any results)

Screapebox : I think it is a big time waster

Article Marketing Robot : It is a gem. quick, effective. Google loves it.

It is not my opinion. It is my experience.

Boys and girls, not only share your softwares, share your results.

Thank you.

Best Backlink Submitter

Hey All, Newbie here, first post
What's the best push button backlink software/submitter that gets results fast without getting banned? I've just created a few Christmas sites and need to get them to the tops of Google fast. I need super quick short term results. Long term is not really necessary as these will only be visited by holiday shoppers.

Please share your experience and any uploads will be much appreciated!! Thanks

How much downloaded material do you actually read or see ?

Hey guys since i joined BHT ive had tons and i mena tons of things to be downlading but then it seems i am being faced by too much information voverload and was OMG going to quit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea thats right o i would like to know who much of the donwloaded stuff do you guys actauuly read [pdf files] and see [videos ofcourse] ??

Method To Get Profile Links Indexed Fast

I wanted to share A method I have been using to get my profile links indexed fast.

Step #1: Use Links2rss to create rss feeds of your links in bulk. You can paste as many links as you want into the interface. Then add spinnable titles and descriptions. Put any website url in for the rss feed link it really doesnt matter.

Then click on convert and it will bring up the link of your feed or feeds. Right Click on the link and select properties. This will display the url of the newly created rss feed for you to copy.

Step#2: Submit the feed or feeds to the rss aggregators in senuke or magic submitter. Make sure that you submit your feed to the feedlisting aggregator.

Step #3: Go Over To Feedlisting and you will see your newly submitted feed on the front page under recently submitted feeds. Click On Your feed link and it will bring up the html page displaying all of your links. Copy that url.

Step #4: Social Bookmark the html page on feedlisting that is displaying all of your links.

Step #5: Go Back to links2rss and turn the public html page displaying your links into an rss feed. Click convert and then right click the link and select properties and copy the url.

Step #6: Submit the new feed of the feedlisting html page to all the aggregators except for feedlisting.

The next day you will see A good portion of your profile links already indexed in google and the rest will be found within the upcoming days.

The 10 Great SEO tips for your site

#1 Content
As cliché as it sounds this is the number one for any search marketing strategy, it is impossibly important to ensure that you have content worth viewing. Without this one simply step to ensure that there is a reason for someone to be on your site, everything else is useless. There are a lot of great sites to find inspiration for writing great content that works.

#2 Incoming Links
A link is a link is a link, but without the simplest form you aren’t going to do well in search engines. The more links you have the more often you are going to be crawled. It is also important to make sure that you have the proper anchor text for your incoming links. The easiest way to gain quality links from other sites is to link to sites to let them know your site is there and hope for a reciprocal link. It is also important to make sure that you have content that is worth linking to on your site.

#3 Web site title
Making sure that you have the right web site titles for your pages is extremely important. The keywords you place in your title are important in order to ensure that your topic is understood by Google. One of the primary factors for ranking is if the title is on-topic with the search results. Not only is it important for robots to index and understand the topic of the page either. It is important for click-through rates in the search results. Pay attention to what you click on when you are searching in Google, I know that I don’t always click the first results. Using great titles and topics on your site will bring you more traffic than a number one listing. Most of the time it is within the first page, but I skim through the titles to see which looks to be more on-topic for my search query.

#4 Heading tags
When you are laying out your site’s content you have to be sure that you are creating the content flow in such a way that the heading tags are based on prominence. The most prominent of course being the h1 tag, which says “this is what this block of copy is about.” Making sure you understand heading tag structure is very important. You only want to have one (or two) h1 tags per a page. It is important to not just throw anything into an h1 tag and hope you rank for it.

#5 Internal Linking
Making sure that your internal linking helps robots (and visitors!) to find the content on your site is huge. Using relevant copy throughout your site will tell the robots (and visitors!) more effectively what to expect on the corresponding page. You do want to make sure that on pages you don’t want to rank in Google that you add a nofollow tag to ensure that the ranking flow of your site corresponds with your site’s topic and interests. No one is going to be searching Google to find out what your terms of service or privacy policy are.

#6 Keyword Density
Ensuring that you have the right keyword density for your page and sites topic is paramount. You don’t want to go overboard and use the keyword every 5th word but making sure it “comes up” often is going to help you rank better in search engines. The unspoken rule is no more then 5% of the total copy per a page. Anymore then this and it can start to look a little spammy. Granted, you aren’t shooting for 5% every time. It is really all about context and relevance— just make sure it is good, quality copy.

#7 Sitemaps
It is always a good idea to give search engines a helping hand to find the content that is on your site. Making sure that you create and maintain a sitemap for all of the pages on your site will help the search robots to find all of the pages in your site and index them. Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask all support sitemaps and most of them offer a great way to ensure that it is finding your sitemap. Most of the time you can simply name it sitemap.xml and the search robot will find the file effectively.

#8 Meta Tags
Everyone will tell you that meta tags don’t matter, they do. The biggest thing they matter for is click-through though. There will be a lot of times when Google will use your meta description as the copy that gets pulled with your search listing. This can help to attract the visitor to visit your web site if it is related to their search query. Definitely a much overlooked (as of late) ranking factor. Getting indexed by search engines and ranking well is just the first step. The next, and biggest, step is getting that visitor that searched for your keywords to want to click on your search listing.

#9 URL Structure
Ensuring that your URL structure compliments the content that is on the corresponding page is pretty important. There are various methods to make this work, such as modrewrite on apache.

#10 Domain
It can help to have keywords you are interested in ranking for within your domain, but only as much as the title, heading and content matters. One very important factor that is coming to light is that domain age is important. The older the site or domain, the better it is not spam and can do well in search results. The domain age definitely isn’t a make or break factor but it does help quite a bit.

Article Writing Loophole?

Hey guys. I'm not very good at writing articles for the new niche that I am diving into so I'm wondering if I could get away with writing articles about completely different subjects I am VERY familiar with and then backlinking to websites regarding the new niche I'm currently building up.

Since the articles I'm writing would have nothing to do with the backlink I'm leaving at the bottom, would this hurt the backlink from an SEO standpoint?

List of ScrapeBox Spinned Comments

1. You can generate thousands of unique comments from them. No one will be duplicate of the spin from another user
2. The comments are in spintax form

Download link:

Stealing Backlinks With Scrape Box

Hi Guys

Here's a little something you can do that is mega assuming you have got Scrapebox?

How about auto commenting on all the open blogs your competitors are getting backlinks from.. Think that may help your cause?

Thought so

Here's how it is done:

1) Open up SB and harvest some proxies ready to run...

2) Tick the "custom footprint" radio and type in the domain name of your competitor prefixed by "site:" - example "" and then click "harvest"

3) When Sb has got all the results then remove any dupes and export the results to a file.

4) If you haven't got them yet then download these two addons:

Backlink Checker
Blog Analyzer

5) Create a file called compete.txt and save the url of your competitors site on the first line then open the BL Checker and use that file in the Bl checker to scrape a whole load of Bls from yahoo...

6) Add the results from that file to the list you scraped earlier and import the merged list back into SB and remove any dupes... Export this list to a file.

7) Now open the Blog Analyzer and use this new list (Load List) in it.

The analyzer will run and find all the blogs that your competitor has posted on that SB is able to auto post on!!! Yoohooo!!!!

8) Run the results through the fast or/and slow poster in SB as normal.

That's it 15 minutes roughly and you can be getting the same Bls as your competitor has...

9) Now rinse and repeat this for the top ten (or even top twenty!) results for each of your major KeyPhrases so you get comments on ALL the blogs that ALL your competitors have and the result often is that you end up with more than the top competitor has alone...

You know what that means?



Looking for Proxy provider

hey there,

as I plan to intensify my efforts with SB I think it would be a good idea to get some private proxies. My understanding that their advantage over the public proxies harvested by SB are that they are faster and more reliable (am I right?)

However I'm looking for a proxy provider where I can purchase them without a subscription due to the fact that I don't have a credit card. Most of them do offer PayPal but when you enter your account detaisl you're asked to provide cc details...

any idea? thanks in advance!

3 scrapebox methods for finding autoapprove blogs

I had some spare time and i wrote a step by step e-book for finding autoapprove blogs:

e-book includes:

1. Finding auto-approve backlinks
2. Finding competitors auto-approve backlinks
3. Finding spammers auto-approve backlinks
4. Scraping all pages from a domain
5. Best practice for indexing backlinks using RSS feeds


want to buy scrapbox

hey guys i would like a geniun opinoin from you guys ,weather i should buy scrapox .will i be able to rank my site using it.

Pls give me your geniun opinoin.


*There is no catch

As some of you guys may know and most may not know, I have been running a successful scrapebox service for some time now. I recently acquired scrapeboard and am also going to be offering that service as soon as all the bugs and kinks get worked out.

I have finished with my projects for the day and am INCREDIBLY bored right now. it's freezing cold outside and i need something to do.

I can only offer this service for the next 5 people who want a FREE Bronze Package from my service.

The Bronze Package includes guaranteed 100 verified and targetted back links to your website/niche.

dont bother sending me a PM, the first 5 that responds to this thread with "i want your bronze package for free!" gets it. i'll send you guys the info i need.


How to check whether forum is do/nofollow?

Any ideas how to check if a forum is no follow or do follow?
Is vBulletin dofollow as standard for example?

Thanks in advance

Scrapebox Harvest Results

Hi I have had Scrapebox for a few days now and was looking at harvesting blogs for very targeted keywords in fact just one word, but the results I am getting are very random and the majority dont even contain the keyword I was searching for any ideas

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sick Submitter Home Made Packets :)

smf pr1 - pr5
vbulletin pr6
vbulletin 100k forum link

Sick Submitter Smf Forum Packet Pr1-Pr5

Sick Submitter Smf Forum Packet Pr1-Pr5

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why Affiliate Programs Are Your Best Internet Marketing Training Ground

Hello there,When your just starting out in internet marketing and are trying to make money online, even with the best of intentions and armed with a certain amount of information it can still be a long and perplexing process.You will see other people who are successful, promoting their own products, but when you're just starting out, don't have a customer list, or a large budget for Adwords (PPC), and you are trying to create an income, where is the best place to begin?My answer is always the same: start with affiliate programs and products.Why? Because affiliate programs are the easiest to carry out and simple to understand.And how's that?No physical products are necessary.You don't have to invest in inventory, shipping, deal with customer complaints, or develop a product line.It's all about promoting other people's products.There are just a few basic steps to making money on the internet by promoting other people's products and I can summarize it quickly: * First do a bit of internet research. Find out what people are looking for. * Sign up with an affiliate program and choose your product. * Get your own personal affiliate id link for the product you're going to be promoting. * Find the appropriate keywords * Create a small website, or even a one page sales page, and include your affiliate link.People who are interested in the product and click on your link will have a cookie set with your affiliate id will be redirected to the product that you are promoting.If they do decide to buy this particular product, you will get a pre-determined commission. Another thing that is great about this is that the buyer does not have to purchase the product immediately in order for you to make money. Most affiliate programs will have a 'cookie tracking system' that tracks your potential customer, so that if they return to make a purchase at a later date, you will still be credited with the sale.So you don't have to be a internet genius to begin to make decent money working with affiliate programs.Most affiliate companies are configured with the internet 'noobs' - beginners, and their lack of experience, in mind. You will quickly be able to promote a product without the need to be an expert. After all, the person who developed the product you're promoting should be the expert.It is important that you choose a successful affiliate program that has a proven track record. Most affiliate programs that are well put together will even provide you with pre-written emails, banners, text links and free bonus products, that you will be able to brand as yours to help you promote their product.Think of affiliate programs as your internet garden.Besides the fact that you will begin to make some money while promoting affiliate programs, concentrate on building a customer list that can make you money again and again in the future.What you need to do is build a relationship of trust with your customer base. You do this by sending out follow-up emails, newsletters, etc. Once your seeds of trust are planted, you can continually promote other affiliate products, or even your own products, to your list! Naturally, the larger the list, the more opportunities for making money you will have. Be sure to keep nurturing your customer list and it will continue to pay you big dividends for years.Please understand the importance of building and maintaining a customer list.If you always have a zero customer base, it will always be like starting out over and over, again and again.Now just because affiliate programs are fairly easy to implement and the fastest way to make money on the internet, it does not mean you are not going to take a few missteps here and there. The fact is - You WILL make some mistakes. Every person who eventually becomes successful has made some dozies. But since this is your training ground, you might as well you're your mistakes here, and even more importantly, learn from them.Whatever mistakes you might make in promoting affiliate products will prepare you for even bigger things - like creating and promoting your own products while on the way to becoming a master of internet marketing.Keep focused on the big picture, because right now you are acquiring valuable skills to build upon. Use these skills to continuously create multiple sources of income. In another article I'll write more about this.You will start making money very quickly if you follow these basic steps. Of course there are many other elements involved in becoming successful in internet marketing. But right from the start, let the idea of building up a list, sink into your mind. It can, and will, produce a perpetual cash machine if you set it up correctly.Don't stop learning and keep pushing on,Be fearless,Billy Ojai

Why Use the Best Internet Marketing Agencies in West Palm Beach

When you market your products or services over the internet, you are utilizing internet marketing, also known as i-marketing, web marketing, online marketing or e-Marketing so you need the Best Internet Marketing Agencies in West Palm Beach. The internet genre has contributed to much of the development of economy on a global context. By using the internet as a marketing function, cost incurred for information dissemination is lowered in respect of the wider audience reached, which is the most prominent benefit of eMarketing. Internet's interactive nature makes the online marketing more effective, as provision of information, feedback and instant responses about the product, are just a click away no matter if it came from the east towards west of the globe. In the popularization of internet marketing, several developments and progress have been done to it in order to make it more functional and effective. Different media have been improved and are now used in managing customer engagement over a particular product/service that is marketed online. Search engine marketing, search engine optimization, banner advertisements on specific websites and email marketing are just few samples of the most commonly used mediums in internet marketing. You may learn each of them on a separate research and discussion if you would want to, as this article focused only on the basic information that a business owner should look for when choosing the best internet marketing agency.How will one be considered as the best internet marketing agency? Since you wanted your sales to sore up to the highest level it can, you have to reach the widest possible market. How? You have to be found easily over the "world wide web" by having enough leads or keywords that would link to your website. Once a person hits the search button on their search engine, getting on top of the results could mean higher probability that your link will be opened, more possibility that you will get noticed by a potential buyer, and the more sales in return. Just keep in your mind that your sale is holding on to just one click of your customers, so better be sure that you have the best, most interesting and encouraging website that was ever made specifically for your product. The information contained therein creates a great impression of your product and may affect the marketability of your product.Being the business owner, you are always motivated to pick the best employees, as well as the best internet marketing company. They must be experts in various marketing tools and be able to increase your visibility online. You can use diligence before closing a deal with any company; you may check their records of success as well as the success they made for their previous clients. Are they adept enough in different media such as pay per click ads, search engine optimization and social networking medium? Are they capable of knowing the best keyword phrase for your product, else everything will just fail. There are still more pointers in determining the best internet marketing agency as much as there are more benefits that comes along with them. Analysis of development of the online business and tracking of progress records is by far easier if online internet marketing is used. The agency can find what keywords phrases the potential customer use in searching for a particular product. With all of this information, you should now look around for the Best Internet Marketing Agencies in West Palm Beach.